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Generation, characterization, and evaluation of their usefulness as biomarkers and drug-delivery therapy tools

Biomarker screening

  • Characterization of nanovesicles as crucial actors during the development of diseases related to metabolic disorders
  • From bed to bench and bench to bedside: Identification of new biomarkers to improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the patients
  • Using different approaches (ex vivo, in vitro, and in vivo), evaluation of their implication in the molecular alterations associated with pathological conditions

Nanotherapeutical Tool

  • Nanovesicles as a therapeutic tool for treating different diseases
  • Nanovesicles can be edited to precisely target a specific tissue to improve the delivery of their content to increase the efficiency of the treatment and decrease its undesirable effects related to a systemic administration
  • To develop a nanomedicine approach to harness the biology of nanovesicle as an innovative approach to assess suitable tool for specific targeting of the hypothalamic areas modulating energy balance

Our Strategy


  • Nanovesicles are obtained from different types of samples:
  • Blood
  • Feces
  • Biopsy
  • Cell culture supernatant (under basal or mimicking pathological conditions)
  • Isolation by sequential high-speed centrifugation


  • Numeration and size distribution analysis
  • Validation of nanovesicle-subtypes enrichment evaluating specific markers
  • Specific analysis of the molecule of interest (proteins, miRNA, …) carried by nanovesicles


  • Analysis of the molecular targets using primary and established cell lines from murine and human origins
  • Use different animal models to validate the role of nanovesicles